Monday, August 27, 2007

Weekend Wrapup (8/27)

Hi Guys,

Kind of a shitty last couple days for poker. Last thursday I won a 75mtt for a seat in the 1k Aussie Million satty. Played that and lost on hand 6 with AA. Details- utg 3x, I 10x, he calls, flop 3h4cJh, he checks, I pot he shoves. I thought his range was JJ+, AKhh on this shove. I call- he shows 44. Super light call pre, but I guess his set mining worked. GG me.

Friday night was a joke too. I played all the normal tournaments, and had good runs in a bunch of them. In the FTP 30 rebuy with 28 ppl left I had 60k, avg ~35k, and I got it all in for my remaining 35k on the turn with 8s8c on a 10s6s7h9d board. I was INSTA called by QJo when I craised the turn for 35k into a 50k pot. INSTA. river 8 (only two of them left in the deck I think?) sends me to the rail.

55k on full tilt I lost a couple crucial coinflips in a row and wound up finding the rail. Ditto for the 25k. In the 20 rebuy on stars, I was 10 off the money and short, so I decided to nit it up and make the money or bust with a premium hand. I wound up making the money and busting on the first hand ITM when I shoved A10 and bb had JJ. GG.

Saturday I only played two tournaments, the 320 on stars and the 320 Turks and Caicos WPT satty on full tilt. Lost the stars 320 in hour 1 when utg bad player limps, along with two others, I 8x it with KsKc, utg calls. Flop is Kh4h2h. He checks I quickly pot it he insta calls. Hmm, I'm hoping for a board pair now but also thing he could have AhXx. Turn Qd. He checks, now I know that if he was on AhXx, its either AK or AQ, so hes calling a shove. He could also have an underset or a flopped flush. I ship it in, he instacalls Qh9h. Another speculative preflop call gets me, gg. I guess my opening raise with an utg raiser has to go to 15x? LOL

Sunday I went to nemostars22's house to play the warmup and the 1pm 109 on stars. I figured I'd win one of these. I got lucky and doubled early in the warmup when I reshoved a flush draw and guy had KK but I got there, which put me at 18k. This guy proceeded to flame me for about 5 minutes when I picked up AQcc. I limped knowing he would shove on me if he had anything marginal. True to form he shoved I called he shows AJo I turned a flush to end the drama. GG sir sorry I sucked out but ty for stacking off your other 15k to me!! This put me at a high of 33k. I get moved to a new table with Moorman1, a solid nitty player. Moorman has about 10k and is playing tight when the following hand comes up. Moorman raises to 2.5x at 300/600 to 1350. I call on BB with 22, we see a flop headsup. 2h7h9s flop. Wee please have an overpair. I checked because I felt that if I lead out he folds AK AQ etc, but a check raise has more value. Also if he has an overpair the best way to get all the money in is to checkraise him huge on the flop. He checks behind me though. Turn is Qc. I decide to check again, thinking that he must have hit his raising range at this point. He checks behind, river is 10d. I lead out for 3500 into ~4k pot. He pauses a moment and shoves. ashgasdkdfgkasda1eds. What hand does he shove here that I have beat?!!! Honestly my best hope is a terribly played AQ, AK bluff, or wierd two pair like 910ss. So unlikely though. I can't put him on a set on the flop because he doesnt check the turn as well. I can put him on QQ because he bets the flop, nor 1010 for the same reason. As my time bank runs down and I just cant put him on a hand he plays like this, I call and he shows Kjo for the 9-K straight. This sucks, but that's what I get for checking a set to the river. I hang around 23k now for a bit, lose 4k in blinds and antes etc, when I get JJ on the sb with 18k. Cutoff open shoves 16k at 500/1000. Hmm I have JJ I call. He shows QKoff one club. Flop 91010 two clubs, turn 2 clubs, river J clubs. I fill to win the pot. Up to 34k again. Then my most interesting hand comes up. Blinds are now 600/1200 ante ~100? And I have 24k in the BB. Folds around to cutoff who makes it 4800, standard open. Button short stack, fairly quiet, shoves 12k. SB INSTA shoves 80k stack. SB has been very aggressive, huge fluctuation in his stack etc. I look down at pocket 10s. Hmm. Normally this is a fold, but I see all this dead money in the pot, and I felt like SB shove is AQ/AK 90% of the time. Other 10% of the time it is 99-JJ. note I discount QQ-AA, AJ, and lower pairs because he instashoved, and most of these hands would require some thought before making the decision. I look and see the 4800 original raise + 2600 in blinds and antes = 7400 in dead money in the pot. Button's reshove raise on an lp raiser is Any pair, A10+, KQ+ with his short stack. I decide to call. Button shows JJ :( . SB shows AKo which is what I expected. The main pot had 42000. Side pot between me and SB had 24k, so if I win my flip I stay where I was in chips, if I get lucky I'll be at 76k with avg of 35k, so a great spot. Flop comes Kxx though and I find the rail. GG me. I'm okay with my play here because I thought through the hand and was dead on with my read of the SB. You're going to have to flip at some point, and this was a big pot.

Next up is the Sunday Million. 530 buy in this week. Doubled up around the end of the first hour with QQ on a JJ9 board when I led out and button caller reshoved 810 and missed his 4 outer. At my next table I picked up a few pots, nothing big, when I found AK in lp. mp limps, I riase to 2600. Folds back to mp who shoves for 12k. I don't like this spot, but the mp limper was a wierd player and I def thought he was capable of reshoving 88+, AQ+ so I called. He had AA, which was in his range lol. I short stack ninja'ed for a bit then lost 1010 < JJ to end it.

At this point I left nemos and went home to play the FTP night stuff- 750k, Mulligan, 25K, 55K.
Pulled a big 0fer here. First, 25k nothing special just lost a flip. 55K, raised AQss, button calls, flop is 10JQ 2 spades, we get it in he has AA and I brick out. GG. Mulligan lost a flip 3 hours in, AK to QQ. 750k, two hours in i'm in good shape with 13.5k when avg is 7k. Then I just shit the bed. First I raise K10dd to 400 at 75/150. BB calls, flop 6c7d9d. Check I bet 1k. He calls. Turn 9x. Villain leads all in for 6k. I fold, down to 11.9k. I raise AQ to 450, one caller, I cbet flop for 800 and villain shoves. down to 9k. Then I had an unsuccessful squeeze knocking me down to 6.5k. blinds are now 250/500 and I find A10hh on button. MP raises to 1k, cutoff calls, I shove in 6500 with A10hh. SB COLD CALLS. Other two fold. SB (10k stack) shows AJo, I brick out. WTF thats a risky cold call I think. ohh well.

Hopefully tonight goes better- I've got a backer now, but there have been some issues transferring funds to me, but hopefully I get them tonight so that I can play the 100mtts sats the monday 1k on full tilt. For some reason I really think I'm going to win that mtt- I always have a good stack, I've just been getting fcked lately in big pots. We'll see.

1 last thing- I've moved up to 8th on the pocketfives rankings for Massachusetts. Win the 1k and I should crack the top 5. Will post a screenshot for those of you who don't know how to find the rankings later. TYVM


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Couple good runs last night.. win 1 time?

Last night I played a bunch of tourneys. I'm going to give you a recap of how the night went in a running diary view. here goes:

Tourneys I played: 7pm 25k FTP, 8pm 27.5 PS, 55K FTP, 8:30 30rFTP, 9pm 100k PS, 20r PS

7:01 pm 25k - lost 500 chips in 25K bluffing into the nuts.

7:59 pm 25k - entered the break with 2200 hands- did not win a pot all hour.

8:08 pm 55k - Doubled with a set of 3's on a Q3kA6 board. Villain check raised me ai on the river after leading all streets. I nearly folded but I'm a call station. He showed QJo.

9:01 pm 100k - Lost on first hand. Folds around to sb who min raises. I call with A2ss. Flop A27. Villain checks. I bet pot. Villain shoves all in? I call he shows AQ. River Q fucks me.

Alright running diary is too anoying back to regular typing.
I ended break of 20r with 12k. I stack a fish with AdQx on a AxXdXdXd board ai on the turn when he was drawing dead with KdJx. 20k. I hang around until 100 ppl left then lose on a flip. GG.

I ended break of 30r with 10k. I stack off with KQ v AQ off Horryclutch when I 4x utg he calls and flop comes Q high. I felt like his reshove on flop was a bluff so I called. I don't think it was afterall. GG.

27.5 on PS, I made a nice deep run with a good stack. Then aggro player at my table raises 3x to 2400. I have 20k behind and decide to call on bb with 910ss. Flop is 8JK. I know he is aggro so he will bet if I check. I decide to lead out for 3/4 the pot, he promptly shoves. I call with my open ended because the pot was too juicy. He shows AA I don't get there. GG.

Down to two tourneys left, my two favorite FTP tourneys. 55K I am near the money bubble with 33k, good for 10/63. I raise 3x with 88 to 3k. Player to my left shoves 10k. I hem and haw and eventually make the call grudgingly, hoping for AK. It's JJ I don't suck out. 23k. After blinds hit me and a raise that gets reshoved, I have 16k. ~60 ppl left, money is at 54, I 3x AKdd utg + 2. Button is XtraceyX, she ships it in, having me slightly covered. I think about folding (jk I never fold AKdd short!!!!) I insta call, she shows 1010 , I lose the flip. GG money bubble.

25K on FTP I'm just sorta hanging around not doing much, when the following hand comes up. I'd appreciate if people would post their thoughts on this hand in the comments section, I think it's pretty strange. Anyway I have 6200 chips on the button. Blinds are 400/800 small ante I believe. MP player limps. He's been limping alot this doesn't concern me. Cutoff limps as well, a lag player. Blinds + ante pot is ~3200. I raise to 3200 on button with A8o. I do this because I think the money in the pot is mine for the taking because I've been tight and they've been passive. Blinds fold, mp folds, button waits a good amount of time and then calls. Here's where things get dicey. The pot is now 3200 + 3200 + 3200 = 9600. I'm pretty much pot committed on the flop now with 3k behind me. Furthermore, I can elliminate the following hands from cutoff's range, because she just wouldn't limp with them, and certainly wouldn't just call here, she would reshove- A9ss+, AQ+, 88+. I'm putting her on a hand such as 22-77, two broadway, suited connectors, suited Ace. Flop comes 6KK. Cutoff waits half her time bank and shoves all in, putting me all in. Once she shoves I can elliminate some more hands from her range- she would certainly check a K or 66 knowing I will shove and not afraid of a drawout. So her range is 22-55,77, an Ace or a Bluff (QJ/Q10 types). I call. She shows 55 v my A8. Turn x river A, I double. Villain begins berating me for this call obv, and some of her friends at the table agree. I'd like you all to think about the call and decide if my reasoning makes sense or if I'm just an idiot? TY.

Anyway, from there I turn it on. Stack a short stack, get up to 18k when I get QQ utg. 3 away from money. I 3x, utg+1 shoves 15k. I call after short thought he shows 88 I double to 30k. Once we hit the money I take out a 12k stack with JJ to 55. I start picking up small pots etc and reach final two tables with ~40k. Avg here is 70k. I survive stealing once per orbit. With 40k on the bb at 3k 6k 500 ante, I get 1010. MP raises to 16k. I know he is calling my shove so I decide to stop and go. Flop comes 9QA rainbow. I put on the breaks and check fold it- that flop just hits his range so hard, as he is deffinetly calling me with a Q. Back to 28k, I shove fold around with 16 ppl left with 99, The D Ry is bb, he folds so I'm back to 40k. Then 4 hands later UTG+1 I shove 1010 for 60k after two successful steals. D Ry calls with 66, I hold, 120k. Nice. I lose ~ 20k in blinds over the next few orbits and we hit the break w 12 ppl left. At my table now are The D Ry, Amak 316, Omaholic, in that order to my left. between me and Omaholic are 2 unknowns. D ry stacks one unknown first hand, now our table is 5 way. Amak raises to 16500, Omaholic instashoves 90k on button, I instacall BB with QQ, Amak folds, Omaholic shows 83o, I win and have 200k. Good shit. 3 hands later, after I raised each of the past 3 hands, unknown to my right raises to 40k at 5k/10k. I ship it all in with JJ, he calls his last 55k with A10o. No A for you sir, I have 300k. I take down a few more pots and enter final table ~400k. Final table I take someone out 3rd hand when they shove a fold around with A2 I call A9 turn 9 gg. 455k. Now I'm 2nd in chips with one other guy to my left having 500k, everyone else is short. We get down to 5 way with me raising alot of pots. Then one guy busts to the guy to my right, so we have CL at 500k, me at 485k, guy to my right 300k, guy to my right +1 85k. I raise K7ss utg to 3x. BB calls. Flop k86 hh. He checks i bet 60k, he min raises me. I've been so aggressive that I think he craises me with A6 / A8, flush draw, as well as K. I put him to the test he calls KJ, I brick out. Down to 180k, kinda sucks. Few hands later SS shoves 50k on button, sb calls, I call aswell with K7. This is fish I should reshove to iso here. oops. flop A22, turn 2, river 7, I win. We get 3 way I have 300k, Left of me is 450k, right of me is 520k. I steal some blinds etc and it is 400k for me, 400k to my left, 470k to my right. The other two guys get it all in KK to AJ. KK holds and the guy to my right is crippled to 70k. He survives a few orbits because the idiot bigstack gives him two walks. This is killing me though because whenever I raise big stack is reshoving on me (good strat obv). I get AK with 320k behind. I raise to 60k on button, big stack shoves all in, small stack folds. I call to find AQ. Same story though Qxxxx board and I'm done in 3rd for $4300. As I lose I get roughly 5 of the following ims "hey you suck at AK to AQ" "Everytime you lose with AK or KK" and my personal favorite "you suck at flipping AK v AQ". LOL ty rail support. I can't complain at all about this tournament though, as I most likely kill this guy HU if I win this flip since he wasn't very good. Oh well I'll just try to win it tonight instead.

That is all, ttyl gg.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

Hi Guys,

This weekend was very frustrating. The notable tournaments I played were the 2500 Ftop, the 500 Ftop ME, and the Sundays.

2500 Ftop. Started with 5k chips. I somehow knew nobody except Imsolucky0 (Jordan Morgan) at my table. Likely suspects: high stakes cash players, high stakes sng players, live pros, multiaccounters. I got a good feel for my table and left there after 1.5 hours with 8500. Felt pretty good considering we didn't lose a player, so chips were hard to come by. At my 2nd table, there were again no known players. Between 2+2, p5s, and general results scanning, I have a pretty good feel for top mtt players, so this was really unusual. 4 or 5 orbits in, I hadn't really dont much, sitting around 9200 after taking down 1 pot with AA where utg 3x it to 150, 4 callers, I made it 1k and lost all action. Following hand takes place:

Pato: sb KdKh. Folds around to cutoff, semi aggro player who just lost 2k pot. He has 6800 chips. He raises to 225 on the fold around at 25/50. I reraise to 775, bb folds. Action back on the cutoff. Player runs his time bank down to 4 then ships all in for 6800 chips. Woah. My first thought is a pit in my stomach- am I going to be making a post later today on 2+2 about why I couldn't fold KK preflop here to a shove of 130bb's? After considering his aggro play, coupled with the big pot he just lost, I decided that his shove range here is probably 1010+. I'm a new TAG player at the table, and I probably need KK+ to call. Even then, I might fold KK. I decide to call. He shows JsJh. Flop Ad4d3h, turn Jd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grose, now I need to hit one of my 12 outs please? No go. This pot pulls me down to 2400. Such a sick hand because at the time there were only 4 ppl with over 10k in the tournament. In a tournament this deep, having 16000 chips at 25 50 would be unreal. 320bb's!!

I'm pretty heated by this, but try to not busto my computer. Next orbit 4 limpers I find QJhh on button. I 4x to 200, bb calls, mp calls. we see a flop of Q104 rainbow with 1 heart. BB leads out for 500. I call, planning to reevaluate on the turn. Turn comes 8h. BB leads for 1k. I have ~2k behind at this point (stole a couple pots after my KK bust). I'm thinking his most likely holding here is 2 pair, very likely top 2, or KQ/AQ. Also outside chance of 44 / 1010, but I would imagine he'd check the flop with those types. If he has top 2, I'm drawing to 9 hearts, + 3 other 9's, + 3 J's = 15 outs. top 2 and AQ/KQ are all essentially the same here. I ship it in, and he calls showing AdAc. Actually more outs then I thought- 15 outs + 2 Qs = 17 outs. Brick the river though, gg me. Bright side of this tourney was that I once again saw how bad ppl will play in a big buy in deep tourney, and also make ~ 1500 in the qualifiers to the event.

Next up is the FTOPS ME. Played semi Laggy at first to build an image (nemostars idea) ,and it worked as I doubled on a J34 board with JJ v 66 when we both had starting stacks of 5k. I'm sitting on 9500 when the following hand comes up. MP villain, semi well known player, 3.5x it to around 280. 3 callers, I find KK on sb.. I reraise to 1590. MP calls, other fold. Flop comes 8 9 10. I bet out the pot, MP reshoves. I call his reshove, he shows J8. Turns the nut 7 and gg. Lost 6500 on this hand. Why doesnt KK hold anymore? Lost this tourney a little later on a standard flip when I was coasting around 2k. GG.

Other sunday stuff went shitty. Busted a big stack in the million when I had 99 on a 249 board all spades. I was the sb, button had raised, I reraised, he called. I led out all in for ~3x the pot, villain tanked and called with As Jx. Spades the turn for a go fuck yourself Pat. Mulligan on FTP I made a bad call v Hixx with JJ after I raised pre to 1000 at 150 300, he called button. We both had ~ 6000. Flop is 4x4s8s. I lead out for 1300, he min raises me, I somehow ship it in and he tank calls me with QQ. I guess this is a tough spot but I could have found the fold but didn't. Finally, sunday night horse, I was chipleader for 2 hours and then bubbled when we got to limit holdem and I lost 7 straight huge pots. Each one was 4 bet preflop against short stacks. Most devestating was first hand. I 4 bet AhQh against utg raiser. I have 24k, he has 15k. Flop QQs4s. Pot flop. Turn 6s. Pot turn- I just don't put him on a flush draw on the flop. River Xs. Check call he shows KsJh. WTF? Then next hand I have AA run into KK and he hits a K, this gets me down to 7k. Lose AA to QQ on a 4 straight board down to 3k. AcQc < 22 on a 1010cJc flop where I brick out hardcore sends me to the rail. grose.

I'm going to start focusing on ACT 3s at foxwoods soon, trying to get a seat for the WPF main event. TY for reading sorry it's just bad beats and no wins this week, hopefully I'll have some good news soon.



Friday, August 17, 2007

Weekly Wrapup - FT 55K, etc. etc.

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the delay in posts, I know its been a week.

This has been a exciting week of poker. Sunday, my buddy nemostars22 final tabled the sunday warmup on stars. He finished 4th for ~24k. Sick run kid, sucks when AQ < A4 on last hand. Can't complain too much about a 24k cash though.

As for my play, Saturday night I took 2nd place in the FTP winner choice mtt. I was pissed I didn't win. First place was a seat to any wpt event, package worth 12k, 2nd place was 2k. I lost with JJ to KQ when we were even stacked. Villain had been firing at every flop with a pot bet. He raised 3x pre, I repopped him to 12x, he called. Flop is 89K, he leads out pot, 8, i ship it in and he calls. I'm not too upset with my play because my JJ crushes his lead out range of any two he calls a reraise with but doesnt 3 bet me with, so 22-JJ, A4ss+, JQ+. OH well.

Then this week I sucked it up at mtts, until wednesday night when I ft'ed the FTP 55k. Came into final table 2nd in chips, then got down to ~ 180k after lossing a flip when utg+1 made it 26k at 4/8. I find AQhh in the cutoff, i made it 78k. Villain thinks roughly 2 seconds then ships it in. I fold fairly quickly- I thought this player was raising light in EP since that is the new button, but he shoved so quickly when he had 150k to start that I'm probably looking at a range of QQ+, AK. Meh. 2 hands later I get 88 in EP and 3x it, mp insta min reraises to 62k. I can either shove and pray for AK or fold, so I fold. This sucks though because I lost half my stack without seeing a flop on these two hands. Ugh I suck. One orbit later utg 3xs it and I shove JJ for 100k. UTG instacalls AA, I can't find a J and finish in 8th for 2k. GG blowing a good chance at big money.

So that was the gist of my week- two cashes for 2k, nothing more, blowing a chance at big money.

On the bright side, I cracked the top 10 on P5's sliding plb for Massachusetts. I hear that P5's is interviewing the top 10 from each state so that will be pretty cool, I just have to keep a hold of my spot here. Here is the top 15:

As you can see, some good names here. 5th on the list is my buddy bluechip, would be cool to get that big score this weekend to put me up there wit blue, so we can put some pressure on each other. For now i'm happy to crack the top 10, since when the rankings started I was 15th.

This weekend I'm already in the FTOPS main event, 500 buy in superstack, so that should be sweet. Also trying to win my way into the 2500, since I don't really want to buy directly into it. between those and the sunday mill hopefully I'll have something good to write about next week.

I've also joined AbsolutePoker. Apparently I created an account there long ago, because PAto610 was already taken, so my name is 016otaP. Get it? I deposited 400 and I'm playing .50/1 nl to build it up. So fish but boring to play small stakes, needs to be done though since I don't want to pull a lot off full tilt for the sake of AP.

Alright that's all I got this week, ttyl gg nh etc.


Friday, August 10, 2007

FTOPS have begun / Week of running like SH!T

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates (all 4 of you who read this blog).

Since the last post I've been on a sick cooler run, and writing down the results would have just tilted me before now. Last Sunday I made a couple nice runs but wound up down a bit for the night. The lowlight of the day came around 1am when I was top 5 in the FTP mulligan with 50 left, and Top 3 in the 109 on stars with 16 ppl left. I was feeling good and playing well, when In the mulligan an aggro player shoved 55 on the button. I had 99 on the sb and reshoved. The BB, who had just moved to the table and had me slightly covered, tanked and made the overcall with JJ :(. Didn't really matter because board came 5xxxx and the button shover stacked up. GG mulligan.

The 109 really kicked me in the balls. I'm sitting on a top 3 stack when I find kk utg. I 3x it with 100k behind me and blinds ~2k 4k. LP reshoves 65k, I call, he shows JJ. Board brings me no worries until river J. AHHHHH. Crippled? I double through with 1010 to 55 and then run a big bluff though and am back to 100k with 14 left, and an aggrotard reshoves an lp raiser for 85k. Dude is so loose I can't find the fold and look him up w AQ. he shows A10. Board 269 turn 6 river 9 ahhh I hate poker. He gets the chop split. I steal some blinds get up to 125k, 4th in chips, with big stack of 300k on the bb to my left. I find KK on the button. UTG shoves in for 100k at 5k10k. I reship KK. BB uses his whole time bank, I start getting a hard on at the thought of the tripple up, etc. when boom- he calls showing AA- WTF slowrolled on final table bubble by chipleader? AHHHHHHHHHHH I dont hit gg me.

So that sucked.

Fast Forward to Monday. Win two seats to the FTP 1k off of 1000 invested in sattys so was happy about that. Top 45 paid, 48 ppl left, I have 18k, avg ~22k. UTG I get AKhh. Blinds are 400/800. I make it 2400. Utg +2, shitty player, reraises to 8k. I put him on 22+, A9s+, KJs+, A10+ here. No joke. I reshove, he calls with AQ. Thats cool. Q22 flop kicks me to the curb. GG.
Almost instantaneously in the 30r on FTP, 28 ppl left, top 27 paid. I have 55k, good for 8th. Folds around to UTG who limps, I'm BB with A10ss. I shove in on him (unnecessary mistake) he instas AK. I flop the 10, but J Q runs down to give him straight. I'm down to 25k, bottom 10 stack. Same guy opens for 3x, I shove huge overshove, he calls AQ. Finds a Q and I'm done. Two bubbles at the same time where AK < AQ will tilt you sometimes.

Tuesday night had a softball game so only played some sngs.

Wednesday night played FTOPS 1 and Stars 320 150k. FTOPS I lost early getting it all in with super draw on 2h3h4xKx board with AKhh v 88, 8 on the river non heart crippled me. 1 outers happen though. Stars 320 I made the money and then bled some chips away and lost in 46th or so when my A10 < 99. Cashd for ~650.

Thursday night I played some sngs late and some 5/10nl. Did fairly well: Played 4 Sngs, all turbos: 60, 75, 119, 236 Results: Win in 60 (+190), 7th in 75, (-75), Win in 119 (+376), 2nd in 236 (+358). In 5/10nl, I bought in short for 400, won some pots up to 520, then virtually doubled with AJ on J3457 board v A8 bluffer. Left table with 1020, (+620). Haven't had a day like that in a while so was nice. Up ~1500.

Huge weekend up ahead for me - Tonight I'm giong to play the regular shit, plus possibly the FTOP event. Tomorrow I have the ironman freeroll, plus the 320 on stars, and maybe the afternoon 100r on FTP (this might be the FTOP not sure). Sunday, FTOP 3 is 320 buy in replacing the 500k, so that should have a million prize pool, plus I have FTP monthly TLB freeroll, and the other sunday shit. Hopefully I'll win enough this weekend to buy a new condo.

