Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend Wrapup

Finished this weekend up a couple buy ins, mostly playing PLO. I also found a new fun game, the super turbo 9 way SNG's. These things appear pretty soft, and probably are because every one I've played so far has had 3 people who have no idea what they are doing. Donks shipping it in first orbit with A rag or suited connectors, to steal 45 chips, only to be looked up by a similar hand. I have no problem with trying to steal the blinds, but early position it makes no sense with those hands.. I also hate the call behind, but knowing people do it should affect your play. Oh well the point is I think this is another niche where I can make some good money. PLO has been going well and the rakeback is sick, but I can see the volatility every session I play - I would have been up huge this weekend if not for a hand I played Sunday morning. I was at a deep table sitting on $850 and got it in on a 7910 rainbow flop with 6789 (2nd straight + bottom 2) vs an opponent who 3 bet preflop (smells like AA).. he shows JJKK and turns a Q for $1700 :( I'd post the hand here so we can look at the exact equity, but I insta slammed the laptop shut and dont want to dig through my hand history folder to find it.

I will post my sharkscope after a couple days of these Super Turbos to see how I'm doing.. I'm going to try to consciously split my time between 6 max 1/2 PLO and 48+2 super turbos to see how the ROI is on each.

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